– 128 –Chapter 8 System Menu — System settingsr When the sync signal (Reference) is set to [BB], [Tri‑level sync], or [Internal][Output Phase] [System] [1H] [0H]Example 1)Input signal[Mode] [Normal] [Normal] [U/C]/[Dot by Dot] [Normal]/[U/C]/[Dot byDot][FS] Off [Strict] or [Acceptable] [Strict] (forced) or[Acceptable][Strict] (forced) or[Acceptable]Non-synchronized input Not possible PossibleOutput signal 1 Phase Reference + 1H In-phase with ReferenceDelay amount 1H Max. of 1F + 1H Max. of 1FOutput signal 2Down-converter[90H] ([75H])Phase Output Signal 1 + 90HDelay amount 1H + 90H Max. of 1F + 1H + 90H Max. of 1F + 90HOutput signal 2Down-converter[1F]Phase In-phase with Output signal 1Delay amount 1H + 1F Max. of 2F + 1H Max. of 2Fr When the sync signal (Reference) is set to [BB Advanced][Output Phase] [System] [1H] [0H]Example 2)Input signal [Mode] [Normal] [Normal] [U/C]/[Dot by Dot] [Normal]/[U/C]/[Dot byDot][FS] Off On On (forced) On (forced)Non-synchronized input Not possible PossibleOutput signal 1 Phase Reference − 90H + 1H Reference − 90HDelay amount 1H Max. of 1F − 90H + 1H Max. of 1F − 90HOutput signal 2Down-converter[90H] ([75H])Phase Output signal +90HOutput Signal 1 +90H (in-phase withReference)Delay amount 1H + 90H Max. of 1F + 1H Max. of 1FOutput signal 2Down-converter[1F]Phase In-phase with Output Signal 1Delay amount 1F + 1H Max. of 2F − 90H + 1H Max. of 2F − 90Hf For 1080/50i and 720/50p, 90H in the output signal field becomes 75H.f 1H is the conversion in the HD format.f When DVE or PinP is used as the video effect, the output signal is delayed by +1F.f Since a DVI input signal always has the frame synchronizer function running, the phase and amount of delay is the same during [Dot by Dot] mode /[U/C] selection.f When video is output to the MultiView display, the output video is delayed by +1F.f When videos of the MultiView display are output in the DVI output signal, the output video is delayed by +2F.r Phase relationship between input and output signals (for 1080/59.94i)Example 1)F1 F2F1 F2F1F1 F21F (frame)Max. of 1FMax. of 1F + 90HMax. of 2FInput signal (Non-synchronized)Sync signal (Reference)Output signal 1Output signal 2 (90H)Output signal 2 (1F)