• Output Color• Copy Output• 2-Sided Copying• Original Type• Lighten/DarkenThe features displayed on the main Copy screen vary depending on how the mainCopy screen is configured by the administrator.6. Enter the quantity.7. Press Start.Copy tabThe Copy tab contains the following features:• Reduce/Enlarge• Paper Supply• Output ColorNoteDepending on how the Copy tab is configured by the administrator, this tab may alsocontain the following features:• Copy Output• 2 Sided Copying• Original Type• Lighten/DarkenReduce/EnlargeThe reduce/enlarge (R/E) feature provides a variety of reduction and enlargement optionsto adjust the size of the output image. Originals can be enlarged or reduced from25-400%. Various automatic and preset selections are available to help you choose themost common reductions or enlargements, while a custom setting enables you to selectthe ratio that suits your requirements. Basic reduction/enlargement options include:100% or R/E entry boxThe default setting in the R/E entry box is 100%. This selection produces an image onyour copy exactly the same size as the image on your original document.You can also set the R/E ratio by using the up or down buttons. In this case, the ratiois displayed in the R/E entry box.5-3Xerox® Color C75 PressUser GuideCopy