NoteBooklets exiting/leaving the SquareFold Trimmer Module may contain trimremnants/scraps from the previously trimmed booklet. This is due to static electricitybuild-up and is normal. If booklets contain trim remnants/scraps, simply remove anddiscard them.Control panelThe control panel consists of the following:1. Fault indicators: These indicators light when a fault or jam occurs in a particulararea of the SquareFold Trimmer Module.a. This indicator lights when a jam occurs as the booklet is leaving the exit area ofthe finisher.b. This indicator lights when a jam occurs in the square fold area.c. This indicator lights when a jam occurs in the trimmer area.NoteIf one of these indicators (1a, 1b, 1c) is lit, the top covers can be opened, andthe jam/fault cleared; otherwise, during normal operation or when the machineis idle, the top covers cannot be opened.d. This indicator lights when the Trimmer Waste Container is pulled out or whenit is full.2. Square Fold options: This area of the control panel contains the following:NoteThe Square Fold options are available from your computer print driver, from yourprint server, or from your machine UI (if it is a copier/printer). This is discussed inmore detail in the section entitled Square Fold options.a. Settings button: Press this button to adjust the Square Fold setting; refer to thenext item.b. Square Fold options: Select the desired setting; these settings are discussed inmore detail in the section entitled “Square Fold options.”Xerox® Color C75 Press18-4User GuideSquareFold Trimmer Module