Phaser® 7750 Color Laser PrinterCopyright © 2004 Xerox Corporation. All Rights Reserved.2-35Using ColorThis topic includes:■ "Printers and CMYK" on page 2-35■ "Monitors and RGB" on page 2-35■ "Image Processing" on page 2-36■ "Adjusting Color Using TekColor Correction" on page 2-36■ "Color Calibration" on page 2-37■ "Paper Calibration" on page 2-38■ "Color Sampler Pages" on page 2-38Printers and CMYKYour printer and monitor generate color quite differently. Your printer produces prints using aseries of dots in three primary colors: cyan, magenta, and yellow. When equal amounts ofthese three colors are overlaid, the resulting color is black.The printer can overlay two colors to produce a third color. For example, magenta and yellowproduce red. Cyan and magenta produce blue. To produce less saturated colors the printer“mixes” white by leaving some dots unprinted. Mixing magenta with unprinted dots producespink.By overlaying two or more primaries, the printer generates a palette of eight colors. Althoughequal portions of the three primary colors form black, your printer includes a separate blacktoner cartridge to produce very dense black for images with a large amount of black text orblack backgrounds. These four colors—cyan, magenta, yellow, and black—represent the colorsystem known as CMYK.Monitors and RGBYour monitor projects color onto the screen. The three primary colors the monitor projects arered, green, and blue. When equal portions of these three colors are projected, they producewhite. These three colors represent the color system known as RGB.The surface of your monitor consists of thousands of phosphor dots. To produce red, themonitor projects red phosphors. To produce a less saturated hue of red (pink) the monitor turnson two out of three of the red phosphors. Printers add unprinted white dots to produce lesssaturated colors, while monitors turn on fewer phosphors.Another important difference between your printer and monitor is the way each one translateslight. Paper reflects light, while monitors emit light. Because of these different methods,printers have one range of colors and monitors have a different range of colors.