NoteThe top covers cannot be opened during normal operation or when the machine is idle.The covers can be opened only when an indicator is lit and a jam/fault occurs within theSquareFold Trimmer Module.Paper path1. The booklet leaves the booklet area of the finisher and enters SquareFold TrimmerModule.2. The Booklet Exit sensor (in the SquareFold Trimmer Module) detects the lead edge(spine) of booklet and moves the booklet to square fold area.3. Once the booklet spine reaches the square fold area, the booklet is clamped andthe square-folding operation begins.4. The booklet is flattened and the spine squared according to the square-fold settingindicated on the control panel.5. After the booklet is flattened and the spine squared, it is moved to the trimmer area.a. Based on the finished booklet size, the booklet is moved until the trail edgereaches the trimmer cutter.b. The trail edge is trimmed/cut (based on the finished booklet size entered for theTrimmer Mode Setting).6. The booklet then moves to the exit area where it is transported to the Booklet OutputTray.18-3Xerox® Color C75 PressUser GuideSquareFold Trimmer Module