3. +2/Higher/High 2: Use this setting when you want the most amount of pressureapplied to the spine of the booklet. The more pressure applied to the booklet, themore square the booklet spine will be. +2 is the greatest amount of pressure thatcan be applied to the booklet.Additionally, you may want to select this setting when your finished booklet is fivepages or less and on heavier weight paper (200 gsm or greater).4. +1/High/High 1: Use this setting when you want a greater amount of pressureapplied to the spine of the booklet, but not as much pressure as the +2 setting uses.5. Auto/Normal: This is the machine default setting and is used for most jobs.6. -1/Low/Low 1: Use this setting when you want less pressure applied to the spine ofthe booklet. The less pressure applied to the booklet, the more rounded the bookletspine will be.7. -2/Lower/Low 2: Select this setting when your finished booklet is five pages or lessand on lighter weight paper (100 gsm or lower). -2 is the least amount of pressurethat can be applied to the booklet.Choose the setting that best fits your needs for the booklet output.NoteYou may want to run one or more test prints before running larger jobs.The following illustration shows two different booklets: one booklet which wassquare-folded and one booklet that was not square-folded.1. This booklet was not square-folded. It has a more rounded, thicker appearance tothe spine of the booklet.2. This booklet was square-folded. The booklet spine is flattened and squared, givingit the appearance of a perfect-bound book.Xerox® Color C75 Press18-6User GuideSquareFold Trimmer Module