Types of Memory Boxes and How to Use Them3-10Special Fax Functions3Types of Memory Boxes and How to Use ThemAn explanation is given below that contains the reason for using and the operationprocedures for each type of memory box.There are three types of memory boxes: Confidential Memory Box, Relay Memory Box, andBatch Sending Memory Box.Using the Confidential Memory BoxThe Confidential Memory Box is used to receive confidential documents. The other partymust specify the subaddress and the RX password of the target Confidential Memory Box sothat the remote machine can send the documents to it. You must enter the password if youwant to print the stored documents.NOTE• When you want to use a Confidential Memory Box, first set the Confidential Memory Box, and informthe remote machine of the subaddress and RX password of the Confidential Memory Box. However,it is not essential to set an RX password. (See ‘Setting the Confidential Memory Box,’ on p. 5-45.)1 Set a Confidential Memory Box.For instructions explaining how to register a Confidential Memory Box, see ‘Setting theConfidential Memory Box,’ on p. 5-45.2 Give the subaddress and RX password to the parties who will besending documents to the memory box.Confidential Memory BoxThe subaddress and RX password are set, and thedocuments are sent to the Confidential Memory Box. Enter the password,and print the document.