Activity Management Reports and Lists9-10Appendix9Address Book List 2This list shows details of the Address Book List registration status. Print this list manually asnecessary. (See ‘Printing Registered and Set Contents,’ on p. 7-8.)1 NO. One-touch Speed Dialing numbers (001 to 200) are printed.2 DESTINATIONADDRESSThe telephone numbers (up to 120 digits) of the remote parties registered in the One-touch Speed Dialing memory are printed. If One-touch Speed Dialing numbers havebeen set as a Group Dialing, “Group Dial” is printed.3 CONNECTION ID The name of each remote party registered in the One-touch Speed Dialing memoryis printed.4 TX STARTTIMEThe date and time (24-hour clock display) at which the documents started to be sentare printed.5 TX SPEED The sending speed and also the Domestic/Long distance setting status are printed.(0): Domestic; (1), (2) and (3): Long distance6 MODE Regular TX, subaddress.The set subaddress is printed.7 ECM TX/RX The setting of ECM TX (On/Off) is printed.54829611mip33600 bps (0)REGULAR TXON54829611mip1. 11:11 2. 22:22 3. 12:34 4. 00:01 5. 11:2233600 bps (0)REGULAR TXON54829611mip33600 bps (0)PSWD/SUBADDRESS111ON54829611mip33600 bps (0)REGULAR TXON[001] DESTINATION ADDRESSCONNECTION IDTX SPEEDMODEEMC TX/RX[002] DESTINATION ADDRESSCONNECTION IDTX START TIMETX SPEEDMODEEMC TX/RX[010] DESTINATION ADDRESSCONNECTION IDTX SPEEDMODEPSWD/SUBADDRESSEMC TX/RX[001] DESTINATION ADDRESSCONNECTION IDTX SPEEDMODEEMC TX/RX.✽✽✽✽✽✽✽✽✽✽✽✽✽✽✽✽✽✽✽✽✽✽✽✽✽✽✽✽✽✽✽✽✽✽ ✽✽✽✽✽✽✽✽✽✽✽✽✽✽✽✽✽✽✽✽✽✽✽✽✽✽✽✽✽✽✽✽✽✽ADDRESS BOOK LIST 203/05 2001 MON 14:12 FAX 035 4892 5997 CANON 001Address Book List 2