File Settings 5-45Setting and Storing Custom Fax Settings5Setting the Confidential Memory BoxA Confidential Memory Box is a dedicated receiving memory box that can restrict the usersaccessing it. You can use a Confidential Memory Box to receive important documents thatyou do not want unauthorized persons to see. (See ‘Using the Confidential Memory Box,’ onp. 3-10.)A document received in a Confidential Memory Box cannot be printed unless the passwordset in it is entered.You can specify the following items for a Confidential Memory Box.An asterisk (*) indicates the default setting.1 Call the desired screen as follows:Setting item Set contents SettingMemory Box Name Sets the memory box name. Confidential*You can enter up to 24alphanumeric characters.Password Sets a password to control the memory box.It is necessary to enter the password inorder to change the contents of the memorybox or to print documents received in thememory box, for example.RequiredA one to seven-digitnumberSubaddress Sets an ITU-T standard subaddress. This isnecessary for distinguishing a ConfidentialMemory Box from other memory boxeswhen receiving documents from anotherparty.RequiredNumbers, #, ∗, and spacescan be used (up to 20digits).RX Password Sets an ITU-T standard password. If apassword has been set, the passwordadded to the received documents iscompared with the set password. If thepasswords do not match each other, thedocuments are not received.Not requiredNumbers, #, ∗, and spacescan be used (up to 20digits).(AdditionalFunctions)