Communications Using the Subaddress (Subaddress)2-34Basic Fax Usage2Communications Using the Subaddress(Subaddress)To send or receive documents to and from a fax machine using subaddresses and RXpasswords defined in the ITU-T standard (ITU-T is a committee within the InternationalCommunications Union, established to set communications standards), the subaddressesand RX passwords must be dialed in addition to the telephone numbers. By using asubaddress, you can carry out communication with another manufacturer’s machine thatsupports the subaddress function, for example, using the Memory Box function.IMPORTANT• Subaddresses cannot be used with “Redial.”NOTE• You can register a subaddress and a password in the One-touch Speed Dialing or Coded SpeedDialing Memory. (See ‘Detailed Settings When Storing Destinations in One-touch Speed Dialing,’ onp. 5-18.)1 Place your originals make sure the fax is ready to send press“Subaddress.”