179Download recorded images currently being playedDesignate the start point and the end point of recorded images currently being played and download images toa PC.Recorded images and audio will be downloaded as an image data file (filename.n3r) and an audio data file (file-name.n3a) if the played back image is downloaded. Refer to page 182 for information on how to play down-loaded recorded images.Important:• Note when downloading that, due to limitations of Internet Explorer, the free disk space of the PC must be 2or more times the size of the file to be downloaded.• When download is canceled in the process of the download, it is impossible to properly play the down-loaded file on a PC.Step 1Click the [HDD] tab on the top page (☞ Page 156) ofthe operation window.Step 2Play back the recorded images on a 1-screen.Click the [Start] button in the download operationarea at the playback point where the download is tostart. Another way to start the download is to clickthe start time box and enter date & time.→ The date & time of the start point will be displayednext to the [Start] button.Note:• Downloading is only available during the playbackon 1-screen display. The date and time cannot beentered while the image is played on the multi-screen display.Step 3Click the [End] button in the download operation areaat the playback point where the download is to end.Another way to end the download is to click the endtime box and enter date & time.→ The date & time of the end point will be displayednext to the [End] button.Note:• It is possible to designate up to 20 minutes of thetime range per download.Step 4Click the [Download] button.→ The "Download" window will be displayed.Step 5Select "On" or "Off" for "Password" to determinewhether or not to download images with audio and todetermine whether or not to attach an alterationdetection code to recorded images to be down-loaded. When assigning a password, enter 5 to 8alphanumeric characters for the password. When thesetting is completed, click the [OK] button.→ The file download window will be displayed.Step 6Operate it following the instructions on the webbrowser.→ Recorded images and audio will be downloadedas an image data file (filename.n3r) and an audiodata file (filename.n3a) respectively.Note:• When "With audio" is selected, the "Download"window will be displayed again after the downloadis complete.• If a message is displayed on the information bar,see page 195.[Operation via PC web browser]