136Search and playSearch a desired recorded image and play it. There are the following 3 searching methods.• Play images selected from alarm and error logs (Log search)• Display thumbnail screen and paly back (Thumbnail search)• Search and play images recorded triggered by the motion detection of the camera (VMD search)Play images selected from logs (Log search)Display the alarm log list or error log list, and click a date & time to play the corresponding recorded images.Note:• The corresponding recorded data that is displayed in the selected log list cannot be played if the data hasalready been overwritten or erased.Step 1Click the [Alarm] button or [Error] button on the statusdisplay panel.→ The corresponding [Log] buttons will be dis-played.Step 2Click the [Log] button.→ The alarm log panel or error log panel will be dis-played. It is possible to switch between list pagesby clicking the [Previous]/[Next] buttons.Note:• Up to 1000 alarm logs are saved. When more than1000 logs are filed, the older logs will be overwrit-ten by the newer logs. In this case, the oldest logis the first to be overwritten.Note:• Up to 1000 error logs are saved. When more than1000 logs are filed, the older logs will be overwrit-ten by the newer logs. In this case, the oldest logis the first to be overwritten.Step 3Select the line with the desired list, and click the play-back button on the playback operation panel.(☞ Page 129)→ Playback will start from a point approx. 5 secondsbefore the date & time selected.Note:• Playback can also be started by double-clickingthe desired date & time line.• To start playback from the beginning of the pre-event recording when the "Pre-event duration"setting is longer than 5 seconds, click the play-back button, and then click the previous recordbutton.[Operation via recorder's main monitor]