162[Preset Position] box• [Regist] buttonRegister the current camera position as a presetposition.Select a preset position number (1 - 256) by click-ing the [▼] button after moving the camera to aposition to be registered as a preset position, andthen click the [Regist] button. It is impossible toregister the position as "Home".• [Call] buttonMoves the camera to the preset position regis-tered in advance.Select a preset position number (Home, 1 - 256)by clicking the [▼] button, and then click the [Call]button. It is necessary to register preset positionsin advance to move the camera to the presetpositions.[HDD] tab[Play]/[Rev play] buttonPlays recorded images in forward or reverse.[FF]/[FR] buttonPlays recorded images at high speed in forward orreverse.Playback speed of fast playback will change in thefollowing order each time this button is clicked:Step2 (Approx. 4x) → Step3 (Approx. 8x) →Step4(Approx. 16x) → Step5 (Approx. 32x) →Step6(Approx. 48x) → Step7 (Approx. 96x)[Next record]/[Prev record] buttonSkips to the next recorded image or previousrecorded image and plays it.[Next image]/[Prev image] buttonClicking this button during playback/pausing will dis-play the next or previous frame and playback will bepaused.[Pause] buttonPlayback will be paused when this button is clickedduring playback. Playback will start when this buttonis clicked during pause.[Stop] buttonStops playback and displays live images.[Go to last] buttonThe starting point of playback is approx. 10 secondsbefore the date & time of the latest recorded images.Depending on the recording settings, images may beplayed back more than 10 seconds before.[Date search] boxStart playback by designating the desired date & timeof image. Click the [▼] button and determine thedesired date & time.Clicking the [Date search] button will play back theimages corresponding to the selected date.[Operation via PC web browser]