134Playback by designating a timelineWhen playback starts, the date & time operation panel will change to playback display.This section explains how to use the timeline display to designate a playback date & time by operating the play-back slider.Date & time operation panel (playback display)The playback display shows available recorded images and displays these on a timeline sorted by type. It ispossible to change the type of recorded images displayed on the timeline, change the timeline scale, and des-ignate the recorded image to play.[REC Event]Mark the checkboxes of different types of recordedimages and display them on a timeline. If changes aremade during playback, playback will be paused and anew search will be performed.Schedule: Schedule-recorded images will be dis-played in pinkEvent: Event-recorded images will be displayed inred[Information/VMD]When this box is checked, the time zone recordedwhen the VMD function was activated (motion wasdetected in an image) will be displayed in blue on thetimeline. (Playback will be paused.)Periods for which no recorded images are availablewill be displayed in black.Note:• To display the result of the motion detectionsearch, it is necessary to configure the settings ofthe connected cameras that support the motiondetection search function in advance.Refer to the "readme.txt" on the provided CD-ROM about the supported cameras. Refer to theoperating instructions of the camera in use forfurther information.[Advanced setup] buttonDisplay the advanced setup panel and change eventtypes and other information displayed on the timeline.(☞ Page 135) Playback will be paused.[Scale selection] buttonSelect a timeline display covering 2 hours (2 h), 8hours (8 h) or 24 hours (24 h).[Display range selection] buttonThe timeline will be displayed in accordance with thesetting of the scale selection button.Display range selectionbuttonTimelineJump buttonsDisplay range selectionbuttonPlayback sliderScale selection button[Operation via recorder's main monitor]