1 In the application, create an original that takes up the entire space of the paper size.Note• If you can specify the margin, as in Microsoft Word, set the margin at 0 mm. For instructions on specifying themargin, refer to the software documentation.2 Choose Print in the application menu.3 Select the printer in the dialog box, and then display the printer driver dialog box. (See "Accessing the PrinterDriver Dialog Box from Applications .") ➔P.1644 Make sure the Main sheet is displayed.5 In the A Media Type list, select the type of paper that is loaded. In this case, click Canon Heavyweight Coat-ed Paper.6 Select the print target in the E Print Target list.Important• When you are using paper that takes longer for ink to adhere for borderless printing and the Cutter Unittouches printing surfaces that are not dry yet, it may damage the paper or the edge of the document that iscut, depending on frequency of use. In this kind of situation, change the ink drying time using the followingprocedure.• Click Advanced Settings in Media Type.• Select an ink drying time in the list for the Between Pages setting of Drying Time.7 Click the Page Setup tab to display the Page Setupsheet.Borderless Printing by Resizing Originals to Fit the Roll Width (Windows) iPF685User's GuideEnhanced Printing Options Borderless Printing92Downloaded from ManualsPrinter.com Manuals