• MatchingYou can choose the color-matching mode and method.By adjusting the color-matching mode and method, you can make printed colors match the colors of on-screenimages more closely.Important• If No color correction is selected under Color Mode, the Matching cannot be changed.Matching Mode Description RemarksDriver Matching Mode Enables printing of optimal color tones us-ing a driver specific color profile.You should normally select this mode.ICC Matching Mode Enables color matching using ICC pro-files.Select this if you want to print by specify-ing the input profile, printer profile, andmatching method in detail.This allows you to use ICC profiles for digi-tal cameras and scanners, ICC profiles cre-ated using the profile creation tool, etc.Host ICM Mode Enables color matching by the host com-puter using the ICM function of Windows.Select this if you want to print from an ap-plication that supports the ICM function.Available when using Windows.ColorSync Enables color matching by using the Col-orSync function of Mac OS.Select this if you want to perform softproofing using ColorSync before printing.Available when using Mac OS.To select ColorSync, choose ColorSyncon the Color Matching panel.Matching Method Description RemarksAuto Color-matching optimized for images,graphics, or text.The available options and their display or-der vary depending on your selected color-matching mode, as well as the operatingsystem.Perceptual Color-matching optimized for printing typi-cal photos attractively. Smooth gradationis a feature. This is also an easy-to-usemode when performing color adjustmentusing application software.Colorimetric Color-matching optimized for printing im-age data with accurate colors in input col-or space. This is the easiest-to-use modewhen you want to adjust the color andprint. However, gradation may be lost forcolors of wider range than the color repro-duction range of the printer. Generally,this is also called relative colorimetric.Colorimetric (No Wht-pnt Corr) The processing method of color-matchingis identical to Colorimetric. Use this whenyou want to further reproduce the targetpaper material color of the image data.Generally, this also is called absolute col-orimetricSaturation Color-matching optimized for printingposters, etc., vividly.For instructions on color adjustment, refer to the following topics, as appropriate for your computer and operatingsystem.• Fine-Tuning Colors of Photos and Images (Windows) ➔P.53• Fine-Tuning Colors of Photos and Images (Mac OS) ➔P.55Adjusting the Color in the Printer Driver iPF685User's GuideEnhanced Printing Options Adjusting Images52Downloaded from ManualsPrinter.com Manuals