IV. OTHERSA. Controlling the Detection of Original Sizes1. OutlineThe copier is provided with auto paper selection, auto ratio selection, and imagecomposition functions, all requiring identification of the size of originals.As many as four original sensors for AB configuration and three original sensors forinch configuration are mounted under the copyboard glass; when the copyboard coveris closed, the presence/absence of an original over respective sensors is detected,identifying the size of the original as being A3, A4, B4, or B5 for AB configuration and asbeing 11” x 17 ” (LDR), LGL, or LTR for inch configuration (default sizes).Each original sensor consists of a LED and a phototransistor: the light from the LEDis detected by the photosensor, whose output is sent to the DC controller.The size of original from the DF (accessory) is detected by the DF, and the data issent to the machine, which uses the data for auto paper selection, ratio selection, andimage composition while the DF is in use.CHAPTER 3 EXPOSURE SYSTEMCOPYRIGHT © 1997 CANON INC. CANON NP6330 REV.0 MAY 1997 PRINTED IN JAPAN (IMPRIME AU JAPON) 3-13