3. PerformanceCHAPTER 1 GENERAL DESCRIPTIONCOPYRIGHT © 1997 CANON INC. CANON NP6330 REV.0 MAY 1997 PRINTED IN JAPAN (IMPRIME AU JAPON) 1-3ItemType of originalMaximum size of originalReproduction ratioWait timeFirst copyContinuous copyingCopying speedCopy sizeCassetteManualTwo-sidedcopyingPick-upcapacityCopy trayNon-image widthAuto clearAuto power-offAccessoriesType of copy paperAutoManualSpecificationsSheet, book, 3-D object (2 kg / 4.4lb max.)A3 (297 x 420 mm)/LDG (11” x 17”* 1 )Direct, 4R4E or 4R3E (Table 1-201), zoom 48~205%(Displayrange: 49 to 204%)35 sec or less (at 20°C / 68F room temperature)5.75 sec or less (A4, Direct, non-AE, pick-up from cassette 1)100 copies max.See Tables 1-202 and 1-203.Cassette: A3 (11” x 17”* 1 ) to A5 (STMT*1 )Manual: A3 (11” x 17”*1 ) to A6 (postcard)Plain paper (64 to 80 g/m2 ), tracing paper (SM1),colored paper* 2 , recycled paper (64 to 80 g/m2 )Plain paper (64 to 80 g/m2 ;128 g/m 2 * 3 ), tracing paper (SM1,GNT80), colored paper* 2, transparency* 2 * 4 , postcard* 2 ,label sheet* 2 , recycled paper (64 to 80 g/m2 )Plain paper (64 to 80 g/m2 ), colored paper* 2 , recycled paper(64 to 80 g/m2 )Plain paper (64 to 80 g/m2 ; 128 g/m2 * 3 ), colored paper* 2,recycled paper (64 to 80 g/m2 )500 sheets (55mm / 2.2”,80g/m2 plain paper), front loading (noclaw)50 sheets (5.5mm / 0.22”,80g/m2 plain paper)100 sheets (A3 / 11” × 17”, plain paper)2.0 ± 1.0 mm / 0.08” ± 0.04” (leading edge),2.5 ± 1.5 mm / 0.1” ± 0.06” (left/right, trailing edge)Provided (2 min standard, may be varied between 0 and 9min in 1-min increments)Provided (60 min standard, may be varied between 10 and 120min in 10-min increments; may be disabled in service mode)ADF-E1RDF-F1Paper Deck Pedestal-M1MS-B1Sorter-E1Stapler Sorter-D2* 1 11”x17”=279.4x431.8mm, STMT=139.7x215.9mm* 2 Canon-recommended paper.* 3 Be sure to remove curling.* 4 Be sure to separate sheets before setting on the multifeeder tray.CassetteManual