CHAPTER 11 TROUBLESHOOTINGCOPYRIGHT © 1997 CANON INC. CANON NP6330 REV.0 MAY 1997 PRINTED IN JAPAN (IMPRIME AU JAPON) 11-8925 The blank shutter fails to move.26 The photosensitive drum fails to rotate.CauseBlank shuttercableBlank shuttermotor (M8)Moor driver 1PCBDC controllerPCBChecksIs the blank shutter cable routedproperly?Turn off the power switch, and dis-connect the relay connector J26.Set the meter to the x1KΩ range,and measure the resistancebetween the terminals of themotor shown below. Is it normal?Resistance (Ω)J26-4 J26-5 100J26-1 J26-2 100J26-6 J26-5 50J26-6 J26-4 50J26-3 J26-2 50J26-3 J26-1 50Replace the motor driver 1 PCB.Is the problem corrected?Step123YES/NONONOYESNOActionRe-route the blankshutter cable.Replace the blankshutter motor.End.Replace the DCcontroller PCB.CauseDrum unitBeltMain driveassemblyChecksIs ‘E010’ indicated?Re-set the drum unit. Is theproblem corrected?Is the belt for the drive attachedproperly?Step123YES/NOYESYESNOYESActionSee “E010.”End.Re-attach the belt.Remove the main driveassembly, and correct orreplace any faulty partas necessary.