C. Controlling the Scanner Lamp1. OutlineFigure 4-103 shows the circuit used to control the intensity of the scanning lamp, andthe circuit has the following functions:q Turning on and off the scanning lamp.w Detecting the activation of the scanning lamp.Figure 4-103CHAPTER 4 IMAGE FORMATION SYSTEMCOPYRIGHT © 1997 CANON INC. CANON NP6330 REV.0 MAY 1997 PRINTED IN JAPAN (IMPRIME AU JAPON) 4-3IC115IC104IC109D/Aconverter-2A-12A -1-3LDT-10A LINT-5-8A-6-7A-4-9ALMPON-2-11A ZRCSJ103J117J603±24VA±24VADC controller PCB Lamp regulator (CVR)SwitchingcircuitPhasecontrol Zero-crossdetectioncircuitArccircuitDifferentialamplifier circuitPower supply voltagefluctuation detection circuitScanninglamp(LA1)FU1Power supplyPowerswitch(SW1)PWOFF*Q147