CHAPTER 11 TROUBLESHOOTINGCOPYRIGHT © 1997 CANON INC. CANON NP6330 REV.0 MAY 1997 PRINTED IN JAPAN (IMPRIME AU JAPON) 11-9937 The total copy counter fails to operate.38 The option counter fails to operate.CauseCounter (CNT1)DC controllerPCBChecksTurn off the power switch, anddisconnect the connector J61 ofthe counter.Set the meter to the x1KΩ range,and measure the resistancebetween J61-1 and J61-2 on thecounter side. Is it about 480Ω?Connect the connector J61, andturn on the power switch.Set the meter to the 30VDCrange, and measure the voltagebetween J113-B9 (+) and J113-B10 (-; CNTD*). Does the voltagechange from about 0 to about 24and then to about 0 V when theCopy Start key is pressed?Step12YES/NONOYESNOActionCheck the wiring fromthe DC controller PCB tothe counter; if normal,replace the counter.Replace the counter.Replace the DCcontroller PCB.CauseCounter (CNT2)Option counterPCBDC controllerPCBChecksTurn off the power switch, anddisconnect the connector J64 ofthe counter.Set the meter to the x1KΩ range,and measure the resistancebetween J64-1 and J64-2 on thecounter side. Is it about 480Ω?Replace the option counter PCB.Is the problem corrected?Step12YES/NONOYESNOActionCheck the wiring fromthe DC controller PCB tothe counter; if normal,replace the counter.End.Replace the DCcontroller PCB.