CHAPTER 11 TROUBLESHOOTINGCOPYRIGHT © 1997 CANON INC. CANON NP6330 REV.0 MAY 1997 PRINTED IN JAPAN (IMPRIME AU JAPON) 11-9330 The scanner fails to move forward/in reverse.CauseCableForeign matterDC powersupplyScanner motor(M2)Motor driver 1PCBDC controllerPCBChecksIs the cable for the scanner routedproperly?Is the scanner rail free of dirt, anddoes the scanner move smoothlywhen pushed by hand?Set the meter to the 100VDCrange, and connect its probes toJ634-1 (+) and J634-5 (-) on theDC power supply PCB. Is thereader of the meter about 24 V?Turn off the power switch, anddisconnect J205 from the motordriver 1 PCB.Set the meter to the x10Ω range,and measure the resistancebetween the following terminals onthe connector side of the motor. Isit normal?Resistance (Ω)J205-1 J205-2 9.6J205-3 J205-4 9.6J205-1 J205-5 4.8J205-2 J205-5 4.8J205-3 J205-6 4.8J205-4 J205-6 4.8Replace the motor drive 1 PCB. Isthe problem corrected?Step12345YES/NONONONONOYESNOActionRe-route the cable.Check the surface of thescanner rail for dirt andforeign matter and any-thing which comes intocontact with the scanner.See “DC power isabsent.”Replace the scannermotor.End.Replace the DCcontroller PCB.