CHAPTER 1 GENERAL DESCRIPTIONCOPYRIGHT © 1997 CANON INC. CANON NP6330 REV.0 MAY 1997 PRINTED IN JAPAN (IMPRIME AU JAPON) 1-29VII. AUXILIARY PROCESSA. Blank ExposureBlank exposure is used to eliminate the drum surface potential in the non-imagearea occurring as a result of the difference, if any, between original and copy or inReduce mode.The light from the pre-exposure lamp is reflected by the replacing plate so that it isdirected to the photosensitive drum after image exposure.The non-image area between sheets of copy paper is exposed by light from the pre-exposure lamp which is reflected by a separate reflecting plate.Figure 1-615Pre-exposurelampReflecting platePre-exposureoptical pathBlank exposurelamp optical pathShutterSheet-to-sheetblank exposureoptical pathReflecting platesImage exposureoptical pathPhotosensitivedrumNo. 6 mirror