3. Input to the DC Controller (3/5)Figure 2-1072-10CHAPTER 2 OPERATIONS AND TIMINGCOPYRIGHT © 1997 CANON INC. CANON NP6330 REV.0 MAY 1997 PRINTED IN JAPAN (IMPRIME AU JAPON)PS20-1-2-1-2-1-10-1-2-3-1-2-3-3-4-4-3-2-1-10-11-12-13-10-11-12-13-2-3-4-5-9-8-7-6-9-8-7-1-2 -3-1-2-3 -3-11-10-10A-9A-8A-7A-9±5V±24VA±5V±5VNOJ35J24 J953J27J79 J203J204 J107J80J803J803J109J57-5A-4A-3AJ117CNOC-9-8-3-4-7-6-5-6J110SSWTS1TH1MSW2MSW1Control panel PCBMotor driver 2 PCBPS19-3-2-1-11-1-12-13-1-2-3-3-2-1±5VJ79 J204J203 J107J82Motor driver 1 PCBMotor driver 1 PCBAEBLHPWCHPTEP *TH1SERVICEAEREFAELHPJ951 J114-12A-10DC controller PCBLens homeposition sensorAE sensorBlank shutter homeposition sensorWire cleaner rearposition switchWire cleaner homeposition switchService switchToner sensorThermistor-1B-10BSee p.4-16when lens is at home position,'1'.(light-blocking plate is at PS19)when transfer corona wire cleaneris at home position (front), '1'.when transfer corona wire cleaneris at rear, '1'.when service switch is pressed, '1'.when toner in developing assemblyis blow specific level, '0'.when surface temperature of fixingroller increases,voltage decreases .(analog)when PS20 detects blank shutter, '1'.(light-blocking plate is at PS20)WCRP-10B-9BJ109J34-1-3-1-3-10-1-12-3J809