11-80CHAPTER 11 TROUBLESHOOTINGCOPYRIGHT © 1997 CANON INC. CANON NP6330 REV.0 MAY 1997 PRINTED IN JAPAN (IMPRIME AU JAPON)11 E060CauseCleaner motor(M11)Motor driver 2PCBDC controllerPCBWire cleanerhome positionsensor (MSW1)Wire cleanerrear positionsensor (MSW2)DC controllerPCBChecksOpen the front door and thedelivery assembly to cool thefixing roller. Does the wire cleaneroperate when the power switch isturned on once again.Set the meter to the 30VDCrange, and connect its probes toJ114-A1 (+) and J114-A2 (-) onthe DC controller PCB. Is thevoltage between the terminalsabout 12 V when the power switchis turned on?Replac the motor driver 2 PCB. Isthe problem corrected?Remove the transfer chargingassembly rail from the copier.Connect the probes of the meterto both terminals of each switch,and press the switch; is thereelectrical continuity?Step1234YES/NOYESNOYESNONOYESActionGo to step 4.Replace the cleanermotor.End.Replace the DCcontroller PCB.Replace the faultyswitch.Replace the DCcontroller PCB.