B. Troubleshooting Feeding Faults1 Double feeding2 Wrinkling11-112CHAPTER 11 TROUBLESHOOTINGCOPYRIGHT © 1997 CANON INC. CANON NP6330 REV.0 MAY 1997 PRINTED IN JAPAN (IMPRIME AU JAPON)CauseSeparationrollerSpringChecksIs the separation roller deformedor worn?Step1YES/NOYESNOActionReplace the separationroller.Replace the spring usedto pull the separationroller. Change thehooking position of thespring.CausePick-upassemblyCopy paperPaper guideLower rollerpressureUpper/lowerrollerChecksTurn off the power while copypaper is moving through thefeeding assembly. At this time, isthe copy paper wrinkled? Or, is itmoving askew?Try fresh copy paper. Is theproblem corrected?Is the paper of a typerecommended by Canon?Is the paper guide soiled withtoner?Is the lower roller pressure (nip)within specification?Step12345YES/NOYESYESNOYESNOYESActionCheck the pick-upassembly. Check theregistration roller.The copy paper may bemoist; advise the useron the correct method ofstorage.Advise the user to userecommended paper.Clean it with solvent.Make adjustments.Try replacing the upperand lower rollers oneafter the other.Fixing assembly