I. PICK-UP/FEEDING SYSTEMA. OutlineThe copier uses center reference, in which copy paper is fed centered along the pathof the pick-up/feeding assembly, and its sources of copy paper include two cassettes(top, bottom) and a multifeeder.Copy paper from the cassette or the multifeeder is controlled so that its leading edgematches with the leading edge of the image on the photosensitive drum by theregistration roller; the paper is then sent to the copy tray through the transfer, separation,feeding, and fixing assemblies.The copier is equipped with a duplexing copying function, in which copy paperleaving the fixing roller is sent to the lower feeding assembly by a paper detecting platefor copying on both sides.As many as eight sensors (Table 5-101) are used to monitor the movement of copypaper, checking for jams and other errors.Figure 5-101CHAPTER 5 PICK-UP/FEEDING SYSTEMCOPYRIGHT © 1997 CANON INC. CANON NP6330 REV.0 MAY 1997 PRINTED IN JAPAN (IMPRIME AU JAPON) 5-1PS11PS12PS13PS10PS14PS7PS9PS8Deliveryroller 2Deliveryroller 1Fixing assembly Photosensitive drumFeedingassemblySet-backroller 1 Set-backroller 2Cassette 1pick-up rollerCassette 2pick-up rollerLower feederoutlet rollerHorizontalregistrationrollerRegistration rollerMultifeeder pick-up rollerVertical pathroller 2Vertical pathroller 0Vertical pathroller 1Cassette 1feeding rollerCassette 2feeding rollerCassette 1separation rollerCassette 2separation rollerLower feederinlet roller