2-9Setting UpChapter 2Setting UpSetting the Language and Country*When you connect the power cord to an AC outlet for the first time, you need to selectthe language for the LCD display. For some countries, you also need to select thecountry where you are using the FAX machine. The FAX machine automaticallyswitches the selectable settings and the default settings in the menus to suit theselected country.Follow this procedure to set the language and country.After connecting the power cord, the display changes from PLEASE WAIT toDISPLAY LANGUAGE.■ If COUNTRY SELECT does not appear afterDATA ENTRY OK in step 3:■ If COUNTRY SELECT appears after DATA ENTRY OK instep 3:1 Press Set.2 Press ▼ or ▲ to select the preferred languagefor the LCD display.3 Press Set.The FAX enters standby mode.4 Press Set.5 Press ▼ or ▲ to select the country where youare using the FAX.• If your country name does not appear, selectOTHERS.DISPLAY LANGUAGEPLEASE WAITENGLISHEx:ENGLISHEx:DATA ENTRY OKEx:15:00 FaxOnlyEx:COUNTRY SELECTUKEx:SWITZERLANDEx:* The shape of the plug and outlet vary depending on the country of purchase.** The country selection feature is available for certain countries only.