11-5Reports and ListsChapter 11Reports and ListsMULTI TX/RX (Transaction) REPORTA MULTI TX/RX (transaction) REPORT similar to the one below, is printed whenyou send the same document to several fax numbers, or when you poll multiple faxnumbers in one operation.RX (Reception) REPORTThe FAX is factory-set not to print an RX (reception) REPORT even if an erroroccurs during reception. To change this setting, see RX REPORT, p. 14-5.If you set the FAX to print a report, an RX REPORT similar to the one below, willbe printed.27/12 2002 17:23 FAX 123 4567 CANON 001MULTI TX/RX REPORTTX/RX NO 0054PGS. 1TX/RX INCOMPLETE ______TRANSACTION OK [ 01] 905 795 1111 Canon CANADA[A 01] 03 3758 2111 Canon TOKYO[A 02] 1 49 39 25 25 Canon FRANCEERROR INFORMATION ______27/12 2002 15:02 FAX 123 4567 CANON 001RX REPORTTX/RX NOCONNECTION TELSUBADDRESSCONNECTION IDST.TIMEUSAGE TPGS.RESULT5004Canon CANADA27/12 14:5901’594OK905 795 1111RECEPTION OKOK: TRANSMISSION SUCCESFULNG: SOME OR NO PAGES RECEIVEDNUMBER OF PAGES RECEIVEDRECEPTION DURATIONRECEPTION TIME