11-2 Reports and Lists Chapter 11Summary of Reports and ListsThe table below shows the lists and reports that can be printed from your FAX. Referto the pages indicated for more details.Report or List Description DetailsUSER’S DATA LIST Lists the current settings of your FAX and the registeredsender information.p. 14-2ACTIVITY REPORT Shows recent facsimile transactions performed by yourFAX.You can enable or disable automatic printing of thisreport after every 20 transactions. You can also manuallyset the FAX to print it.p. 11-3p. 14-5TX (Transmission) REPORT Prints after transmission of a document.You can enable or disable this feature, or set the FAX toprint a report only when an error occurs.You can also set the FAX to print the first page of thedocument under the report to remind you of the contentsof the document.p. 11-4p. 14-5RX (Reception) REPORT Prints after reception of a document. You can enable ordisable this feature, or set the FAX to print a report onlywhen an error occurs.p. 11-5p. 14-5MULTI TX/RX (Transaction) REPORT Prints after sending the same document to several faxnumbers, or after polling multiple fax numbers in oneoperation.p. 11-5DOC. MEMORY LIST Lists the documents currently stored in the FAX’smemory.p. 9-5MEMORY CLEAR REPORT Prints automatically when power is restored to the FAXafter a power cut. Lists the documents deleted frommemory.p. 13-221-TOUCH SPD DIAL LIST 11-TOUCH SPD DIAL LIST 2Lists the numbers and names registered under one-touchspeed dialling buttons.p. 6-19CODED SPEED DIAL LIST 1CODED SPEED DIAL LIST 2Lists the numbers and names registered under codedspeed dialling codes.p. 6-20GROUP DIAL LIST Lists groups registered under one-touch speed diallingbuttons and coded speed dialling codes.p. 6-21