14-7Summary of SettingsChapter 14Summary of SettingsRX (Reception) SETTINGS MenuFor details on accessing the settings below, see p. 14-3.The selectable settings and the default settings vary depending on the country where you havepurchased the FAX. The values shown here are average values.Setting Description Sub-SettingsECM RX Enables/disables Error Correction Mode (ECM) duringreception.ONOFFRX MODE Selects the receive mode (1 Chapter 8).If you select FAX/TEL AUTO SW, you can selectadditional sub-settings (1 p. 8-5).FAX ONLY MODENET SWITCH*FAX/TEL AUTO SWINCOMING RING When the RX MODE setting is set to FAX ONLY MODE orFAX/TEL AUTO SW, this setting enables/disables ringingwhen the FAX receives a call.**OFFONRING COUNT Selects the number of rings before the FAX beginsreceiving.2 TIMES(1 to 99)MAN/AUTO SWITCH When the receive mode is set to MANUAL MODE, thissetting determines if the FAX switches to fax receivemode after it rings for a specified time.OFFONF/T RING TIME If you select ON above, this setting selects the length oftime the FAX rings before switching to fax receive mode.15 SEC(1 to 99)REMOTE RX Enables/disables remote receiving. ONOFFREMOTE RX ID If you select ON above, this setting selects the remotereceiving ID.25(00 to 99)MEMORY RX Enables/disables reception of a document in the FAX’smemory when a problem occurs during reception.ONOFFRX PAGE FOOTER Enables/disables printing of the reception date and time,page number, and transaction number (TX/RX NO.) at thebottom of each received fax page.OFFON* This setting is available for certain countries only.** Even if you have set INCOMING RING to ON, ringing will only occur if you have connected the optionalhandset or a telephone to your unit.