9-3Special FeaturesChapter 9Special FeaturesSwitching Temporarily to Tone DiallingMany information services for banks, airline reservations, hotel reservations, etc.,require tone dialling for their services. If your FAX is set for pulse dialling(1 p. 3-8), follow this procedure to set the unit temporarily for tone dialling:NoteTo talk to the other party, you will need to connect the optional handset or a telephone toyour FAX (1 p. 2-6).1 Press Hook.• You can also lift the handset instead ofpressing Hook.2 Use the numeric buttons to dial the telephonenumber of the information service.• The FAX connects using the pulsesrequired by your telephone line.3 When the recorded message of theinformation service answers, press T(T) toswitch to tone dialling.• When T(T) is pressed, T is displayed inthe LCD.• If you pressed Hook in step 1, you canpick up the handset if you need to talk tothe other party.4 Use the numeric buttons to enter the numbersrequested by the information service.• Numbers entered after pressing T(T)will be dialled using tone dialling.5 When you have finished, press Hook todisconnect the call.• If you used the handset, hang up todisconnect the call.• Tone dialling is cancelled when youdisconnect the call.TEL=TEL= 7654321Ex:TEL= 7654321TEx:TEL= 7654321TA34Ex: