e-STUDIO2020C/2330C/2820C/2830C/3520C/3530C/4520C © 2008 - 2011 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reservedSELF-DIAGNOSTIC MODE2 - 34Procedure 7* When the automatic adjustment ends abnormally, an error message isdisplayed.* Return to standby screen by pressing the [CANCEL] or [CLEAR] button.Procedure 10Procedure 14Note:The fuser roller temperature control at the adjustment mode is different from that at the normalstate.Therefore, the problem of fusing efficiency may be occurred in the test copy at the adjustmentmode.In that case, turn ON the power normally, leave the equipment for approx. 3 minutes after it hasbecome ready state and then start up the adjustment mode again.[0][5][POWER][POWER]OFF/ON(Exit)[Digital key](Code)[Digital key](Sub code)[CLEAR](Corrects value)[START][START]*[CANCEL] or [CLEAR][CANCEL][FAX][START](Test copy)[ENTER]Stores valuein RAMAutomaticadjustment[0][5][POWER][POWER]OFF/ON(Exit)[Digital key](Code)[Digital key](Sub code)[START] [START][START][ENTER] or [INTERRUPT](Value unchangeable)Valuedisplayed[0][5][POWER][POWER]OFF/ON(Exit)[Digital key](Code) [START] [START][Digital key](Sub code)[CANCEL](Corrects value)[CLEAR](Corrects value)[ENTER]or[INTERRUPT][FAX][START](Test copy)[UP] or [DOWN](Adjust a value)Stores valuein RAM