© 2008 - 2011 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved e-STUDIO2020C/2330C/2820C/2830C/3520C/3530C/4520CREVISION RECORD157-4 The illustration in Fig. 7-9 has been corrected.7-5 The illustration in Fig. 7-12 has been corrected.7-10 Step (3) in the content of the disassembling procedure in "7.1.11 Board Case" has beendivided to steps (3) and (4).The illustration in Fig. 7-25 has been corrected.The illustration in Fig. 7-26 has been corrected.7-12 The content of "Fig. 7-28" in "7.1.12 SRAM board" has been divided to"Fig. 7-29" and "Fig. 7-30".A note and an illustration Fig. 7-31 have been added.7-13 The illustration in Fig. 7-32 has been corrected.The content of "Fig. 7-30" in "7.1.13 SRAM board" has been divided to"Fig. 7-33" and "Fig. 7-34".7-14 A note and an illustration Fig. 7-35 have been added.7-18 The illustration in Fig. 7-37 has been corrected.7-20 A new procedure has been added in step (1) in "[E] Replace / Format HDD”.7-22 Descriptions in "7.2.4 Procedures and precautions when replacing the SYS board" hasbeen corrected.7-23 A new procedure has been added in step (1) in "7.2.5 Procedures and settings whenreplacing the SLG board".7-24 The title "7.2.6 Procedures and settings when replacing SRAM (SYS board)" has been cor-rected to "7.2.6 Procedures and settings when replacing SRAM board (for SYS board)".7-28 The title "7.2.7 Procedures and settings when replacing SRAM (LGC board)" has been cor-rected to "7.2.7 Procedures and settings when replacing SRAM board (for LGC board)".7-28 A new note has been added in "7.2.7 Procedures and settings when replacing SRAM board(for LGC board)".7-28 The introductory part of "7.2.7 Procedures and settings when replacing SRAM board (forLGC board)" has been corrected.7-28 The illustration of Fig.7-40 has been corrected.7-28 The procedure in "[A] Replace SRAM board" has been corrected.7-30 Descriptions in "7.3 Precautions for Disposal of the HDD and PC Boards" have beencorrected.8-1 8. FIRMWARE UPDATINGDescriptions about the necessity of a harness jig for the converter firmware update havebeen added.8-2 E. Engine ROMThe illustration of the download jig has been corrected.8-18 8.2.1 Writing the data to the download jig (PWA-DWNLD-350-JIG2) - [A] Precautions whenwriting the System ROM dataA precaution "Loading the data file into the buffer by means of the following settings." hasbeen added.8-18 8.2.1 Writing the data to the download jig (PWA-DWNLD-350-JIG2) - [A] Precautions whenwriting the System ROM data-[A-1] System ROMThe name of the system ROM file has been corrected.8-19 8.2.1 Writing the data to the download jig (PWA-DWNLD-350-JIG2) - [B] Precautions whenwriting the Engine ROM dataPrecautions when writing the Engine ROM data have been added.8-21 8.2.2 System ROM - [A] Update procedureStep 9: The procedure for shutting down the equipment has been changed to turning OFFthe power with the main switch.Step 10: The procedure for starting up the equipment has been changed to turning ON thepower with the main switch.8-22 8.2.3 Engine ROM - [A] Update procedureStep 1:The procedure has been corrected to "Write the ROM data to be updated to thedownload jig (PWA-DWNLD-350-JIG2)."Ver.02 <2008.06.26>Page Contents