2© 2008 - 2011 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved e-STUDIO2020C/2330C/2820C/2830C/3520C/3530C/4520CSELF-DIAGNOSTIC MODE2 - 912.6.3 ProcessSetting mode (08)Code Classification Items FunctionDefaultablevalue>RAM Contents Procedure400 Fuser Fuser unit error statuscounterALL 0<0-51>M 0: No error1: C411 2: C4123: C443 4: -5: C445, C4656: C446, C4667: C447 8: C4689: C44910 to 17: -18: C468 19: C44920: C468 21: C44922: C449 23: C44924: C447 25: C44926: C468 27: C44928: C468 29: C44930: -31: C4D0 32: C44833: C467 34: C46735 to 37: -38: C450 39: C45040: -41: C451 42: C45143: -44 to 47: -48: C450 49: C45050: C452 51: C4521556 ImagecontrolImage quality closed-loopcontrol/Contrast voltageALL 1<0-1>M Sets whether or notcorrecting the contrastvoltage in closed-loopcontrol.0: Invalid1: Valid1557 ImagecontrolImage quality closed-loopcontrol/Laser powerALL 1<0-1>M Sets whether or notcorrecting the laserpower in closed-loopcontrol.0: Invalid1: Valid1573 ImagecontrolAbnormality detectioncount (Y)Display/0 clearingALL 0<0-16>M Counts the abnormalitydetection of imagequality control.Accumulating total of[CE10], [CE20] and[CE40]1574 ImagecontrolAbnormality detectioncount (M)Display/0 clearingALL 0<0-16>M Counts the abnormalitydetection of imagequality control.Accumulating total of[CE10], [CE20] and[CE40]1575 ImagecontrolAbnormality detectioncount (C)Display/0 clearingALL 0<0-16>M Counts the abnormalitydetection of imagequality control.Accumulating total of[CE10], [CE20] and[CE40]1 PreviousNext |