5 - PROCEDURES86 190-00356-00 Rev GProcedure Turn ApproachApproach operations on the 400W-series will typi-cally begin with the same basic steps:Select Destination“Select” and “Load” theapproach“Activate” the approachDO NOT USE FORNAVIGATION1. Select the destination airport using the direct-to key, or as the last waypoint in the activeflight plan.2. Choose the “Select Approach?” option fromthe procedures page or from the active flightplan options.3. “Load” the approach (often while en route) inanticipation of its future use. This places theapproach in the active flight plan, but retainscourse guidance in the en route section untilthe approach is “activated”.4. “Activate” the full approach or vectors-to-final,as appropriate. In some scenarios, you may findit more convenient to immediately activate theapproach and skip the “Load” process outlinedabove in step #3. The 400W-series providesboth options.Approaches with Procedure TurnsThe procedure turn portion of an approach isstored as one of the legs of the approach. For thisreason, the 400W-series requires no special operationsfrom the pilot — other than flying the procedure turnitself — beyond what is required for any other type ofapproach.This example uses the VOR Runway 04 GPSapproach for Lynchburg (Virginia) Regional Airport,KLYH, and assumes a departure from Frederick (Mary-land) Municipal Airport, KFDK. The steps required toset up and fly the approach are detailed below:1. Prior to departing KFDK, the destination (KLYH)is selected using the direct-to key or by cre-ating a flight plan terminating at LynchburgRegional.2. While en route to KLYH, some 40-50 NMaway, you select the ATIS frequency to monitorairport conditions and runway usage. This isaccomplished by selecting the NAVCOM pageand selecting the ATIS frequency from the list.This places the frequency on standby. Use theCOM flip-flop key to make the ATIS frequencyactive.3. From ATIS you learn that runway 04 is in useand plan your approach accordingly. Pressthe PROC key and select the “VOR 04-GPS”approach. From the transitions window, selectLYH VOR (the IAF). Also, select “Load?” to load(but not activate) the approach.