5 - PROCEDURES113190-00356-00 Rev GRNAV Approach ProceduresThe GNS 400W Series allows for flying LNAV, LNAV/VNAV, LNAV + V, LP, and LPV approaches according tothe published chart.HSIAnnunciationDescription MinimumsL/VNAV Lateral Navigation/Vertical Navigation. RNAV non-precision approach with advisory verticalguidance.Published LNAV/VNAVminimums.LNAV Lateral Navigation. RNAV non-precision approach. Published LNAV minimums.LNAV + V Lateral Navigation with Advisory Vertical Guidance. RNAV non-precision LNAV approachwith advisory vertical guidance. The glidepath is typically denoted by a light dashed lineon the vertical profile (Jeppeson only) with an associated glidepath angle (usually in the3.00 degree range) and is provided to assist the pilot in maintaining a constant verticalglidepath, similar to an ILS glideslope.Published LNAV minimums.LPV Localizer Performance with Vertical guidance (LPV) approach.RNAV precision approach.Published LPV minimums.LP LP indicates Localizer Performance with no vertical guidance. Published LP minimums.NOTE: Minimums will be controlling, do notdescend below applicable minimum descent altitude or decision height until criteria of FAR 91.175 are met.Points to Remember for All Approaches• The GNS 400W-series unit is designed to comple-ment your printed approach plates and vastlyimprove situational awareness throughout theapproach. However, you must always fly an approachas it appears on the approach plate.• The active leg (or the portion of the approach cur-rently in use) is depicted in magenta on the MapPage. As you fly the approach, the 400W-seriesunit automatically sequences through each legof the approach unless “SUSP” appears abovethe OBS key. “SUSP” indicates that automaticsequencing of approach waypoints is suspended onthe current leg and normally appears at holdingpatterns and upon crossing the missed approachpoint (MAP).• For roll steering autopilots: roll steering is ter-minated when approach mode is selected on theautopilot and is available once the missed approachis initiated.• If Vectors-to-Final is activated while on the “FROM”side of the FAF, automatic waypoint sequencing issuspended and the SUSP annunciation will appear.Automatic waypoint sequencing will resume oncethe aircraft is on the “TO” side of the FAF and withinfull-scale deflection. This is a new feature with the400W-series.• For all approaches and departures, make sure torecheck the runway, transition, and all waypoints.RNAV Approach Procedures