5TAKEOFF TOUR190-00356-00 Rev GPower OnPower OnThe Garmin 400W-series provides you accuratenavigational data and some models also have com-munication capability, along with non-precision andprecision approach certification in the IFR environ-ment. The Takeoff Tour is designed to familiarize youwith the operation of the 400W-series — includingpowering up the unit, changing frequencies, enteringdata, performing a simple direct-to, selecting IFR pro-cedures and provides a limited introduction to usingflight plans. In addition, this section briefly covers thedefault navigation, map and frequency pages availableas part of the NAV page group. These pages will beused for most of your in-flight navigation.The Takeoff Tour assumes that the unit and anten-nas have been properly installed and you have notchanged any of the 400W-series unit default settings.If you have changed any of the factory default settings(position format, units of measure, selectable fields,etc.), the pictures shown here may not exactly matchwhat you see on your 400W-series unit. Prior to usingyour unit for the first time, we recommend that youtaxi to a location that is well away from buildingsand other aircraft so the unit can collect satellite datawithout interruption.Powering up the 400W-Series UnitThe 420W and 430W power and COM volumeare controlled using the power/volume knob at thetop left corner of the unit. The 400W power knobis located at the top left corner of the unit. Turningit clockwise will turn unit power on and increase theCOM radio volume. After turning the unit on, a Wel-come page will be displayed while the unit performs aself test, followed by the database confirmation pageswhich show the current database information on theNavData card (with the valid operating dates, cyclenumber and database type indicated). The databaseis updated every 28 days, and must be current forapproved instrument approach operations. Informa-tion on database subscriptions is available inside your400W-series package.To acknowledge the database information, pressENT.Power-up Sequence