9 - AUX PAGES161190-00356-00 Rev GFlight Planningknobs to enter the identifier of the desired userwaypoint. Press ENT when finished.6. The flashing cursor moves to the “CROSS-SIDE”field. Turn the small right knob to select “To”or “From” and press ENT.7. The flashing cursor moves to the “InitiateTransfer?” confirmation field. Press ENT totransfer the selected data.SchedulerTo enter a scheduled message:1. Select “Scheduler” from the flight planningpage.2. The flashing cursor highlights the first messagefield. If necessary, turn the large right knobto highlight the first blank message field.3. Use the small and large right knobs to enterthe message text. Press ENT when finished.(The 400W-series unit will store up to ninescheduled messages holding 20 characterseach.)4. The flashing cursor moves to the type fieldunder the new message. Turn the small rightknob to display a window of available options:(Event, One Time, Periodic). Press ENT toselect.5. The flashing cursor moves to the time/datefield. Use the small and large right knobs toset the time or date required before the mes-sage is displayed. Time is entered as hours/min-utes (hhh:mm). Event-based messages expireat a specific date and time. Press ENT, whenfinished.To edit a scheduled message:1. Select “Scheduler” from the flight planningpage.2. The flashing cursor highlights the first messagefield.3. To edit the message text, turn the large rightknob to highlight the desired message field. Usethe small and large right knobs to edit themessage text—entering the new text directly overthe old message. Press ENT when finished.