5 - PROCEDURES109190-00356-00 Rev GDO NOT USE FORNAVIGATIONAs you cross the MAP, “SUSP” appears above theOBS key, indicating that automatic sequencingof approach waypoints is suspended at the MAP.A “FROM” indication is displayed on the DefaultNAV Page, but course guidance along the finalapproach course continues. Do NOT follow thisextended course. Follow published missed approachprocedures using the OBS key to initiate the missedapproach sequence.NOTE: In addition to using the OBS key to initiate themissed approach sequence, you may wish to press theCDI key to manually switch external CDI output to theGPS receiver. “GPS” will be indicated above the CDIkey.Selecting an LPV ApproachFor this example, we’ll use a flight from EugeneOregon (KEUG) to Salem Oregon (KSLE) and selectthe RNAV runway 31 approach. “GLORR” intersec-tion is selected as the IAF. Of course, vectors-to-finalcould also be selected, as previously described for thenon-precision approach examples. An approach plateis shown on the following page.1. With Salem (KSLE) as your destination in yourflight plan, press the PROC key and select the“RNAV 31 Z (GPS) ” approach.2. From the transitions field, select “GLORR” asthe IAF. Review and execute the modified flightplan. Go direct to GLORR when cleared “DirectGLORR” for the approach.3. Press the PROC key to display the Procedurespage. With “Load?” highlighted press ENT toload the approach into the flight plan.LPV Approach