6 - WPT PAGES120 190-00356-00 Rev GAirport LocationAirport Location PageThe airport location page displays the latitude, lon-gitude, and elevation of the selected airport. The air-port location page also displays facility name and loca-tion, as well as fuel availability, available approaches,radar coverage and airspace type.Facility Name andLocation (city)Airport Identifier,Symbol and TypeLatitude/Longi-tude PositionFirst Pagein WPT groupBest AvailableApproach andRadar CoverageField Elevation,Available Fuels andAirspace TypeThe following descriptions and abbreviations areused:• Type— Usage type: Public, Military, Heliport,or Private• Position— Latitude/Longitude (degrees/minutesor degrees/minutes/seconds), MGRSor UTM/UPS• Elevation— In feet or meters• Fuel— For public-use airports, the avail-able fuel type(s) are: Avgas (80-87/100LL/100-130/Mogas), Jet, orNone• Approach— Best available approach: ILS,MLS, LOC, LDA, SDF, GPS, VOR,RNAV (“RNV”), LORAN (“LOR”),NDB, TACAN (“TCN”), Helicopter(“HEL”), or VFR• Radar— Radar coverage: Yes or No• Airspace— Control environment: CTA, TMA,TRSA, Class B, Class C, Class D, ornoneAirport Location Page OptionsSelect Next FPL Apt?Selecting the Next Airport page menu optionallows you to display the next waypoint in theflight plan and activates it for editing.To select the next FPL airport from the AirportLocation Page:1. Press MENU to display the Airport LocationPage Options.2. Turn the small or large right knob to high-light “Select Next FPL Apt? and then pressENT.Select Destination Apt?Selecting the Destination Airport page menu optionallows you to display the Destination waypoint inthe flight plan.To select the Destination airport from the AirportApproach Page:1. Press MENU to display the Airport ApproachPage Options.2. Turn the small or large right knob to high-light “Select Destination Apt? and then pressENT.