18TAKEOFF TOUR190-00356-00 Rev GNearest PagesNearest (NRST) PagesThe NRST main page groups provides listings fornearest airports or other facilities. The NRST groupprovides detailed information on the 25 nearestairports, VORs, NDBs, intersections and user-createdwaypoints within 200 NM of your current position.In addition, pages are also provided to display the fivenearest center (ARTCC/FIR) and Flight Service Station(FSS) points of communication, plus alert you to anyspecial-use or controlled airspace you may be in ornear.The nearest airport page is one of eight pages avail-able under the NRST group:• Nearest airport page• Nearest intersection page• Nearest NDB page• Nearest VOR page• Nearest user waypoints page• Nearest ARTCC page• Nearest FSS page• Nearest airspace pageTo display the NRST pages:1. If necessary, press the small right knob toremove the cursor from the page.2. Turn the large right knob to select the NRSTpage group, as indicated by “NRST” appearingin the lower right corner of the screen.To display a list of nearby airports, turn thelarge right knob to select the NRST pagegroup and (if needed) the small right knob toselect the nearest airport page.3. Press and then turn the large right knob toselect the desired NRST page.To scroll through the list, press the small rightknob, then turn the large right knob.