6 - WPT PAGES122 190-00356-00 Rev GAirport FrequenciesThe following descriptions and abbreviations areused on the airport runway page:FrequencyAirport Identifier,Symbol and TypeFrequency TypeThird Pagein WPT groupScroll BarUsage RestrictionsInformation• Type— Usage type: Public, Military, Heli-port, or Private• Surface— Runway surface types include: Hard,Turf, Sealed, Gravel, Dirt, Soft,Unknown or Water• Lighting— Runway lighting types include:No Lights, Part Time, Full Time,Unknown or Frequency (for pilot-controlled lighting)Airport Runway Page OptionsSelect Next FPL Apt?As described earlier in this section.Select Destination Apt?As described earlier in this section.Airport Frequency PageThe airport frequency page displays radio frequen-cies and frequency types for the selected airport, aswell as sector and altitude restrictions (where appli-cable). If the selected airport has a localizer-basedapproach, the localizer frequency(s) is also listed onthe airport frequency page. The airport frequency pagemay be used to quickly select and tune a COM orVLOC frequency.To scroll through the frequency list and tune to adesired frequency on the list:1. Press the small right knob to activate thecursor.2. Turn the large right knob to scroll through thelist, placing the cursor on the desired frequency.If there are more frequencies in the list than canbe displayed on the screen, a scroll bar alongthe right-hand side of the screen will indicatewhere you are within the list.3. Press ENT to place the selected frequencyin the standby field of the COM or VLOCwindow.