Notices© Keysight Technologies, Inc.2014-2016No part of this manual may bereproduced in any form or by anymeans (including electronic storageand retrieval or translation into aforeign language) without prioragreement and written consent fromKeysight Technologies, Inc. asgoverned by United States andinternational copyright laws.Trademark AcknowledgmentsManual Part NumberN9923-90001EditionEdition 3, August 2016Printed in USA/MalaysiaPublished by:Keysight Technologies1400 Fountaingrove ParkwaySanta Rosa, CA 95403WarrantyTHE MATERIAL CONTAINED IN THISDOCUMENT IS PROVIDED “AS IS,”AND IS SUBJECT TO BEINGCHANGED, WITHOUT NOTICE, INFUTURE EDITIONS. FURTHER, TOTHE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTEDBY APPLICABLE LAW, KEYSIGHTDISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES,EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WITHREGARD TO THIS MANUAL ANDANY INFORMATION CONTAINEDHEREIN, INCLUDING BUT NOTLIMITED TO THE IMPLIEDWARRANTIES OFMERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESSFOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.KEYSIGHT SHALL NOT BE LIABLEFOR ERRORS OR FOR INCIDENTALOR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES INCONNECTION WITH THEFURNISHING, USE, ORPERFORMANCE OF THISDOCUMENT OR ANY INFORMATIONCONTAINED HEREIN. SHOULDKEYSIGHT AND THE USER HAVE ASEPARATE WRITTEN AGREEMENTWITH WARRANTY TERMSCOVERING THE MATERIAL IN THISDOCUMENT THAT CONFLICT WITHTHESE TERMS, THE WARRANTYTERMS IN THE SEPARATEAGREEMENT WILL CONTROL.Technology LicensesThe hardware and/or softwaredescribed in this document arefurnished under a license and may beused or copied only in accordancewith the terms of such license.U.S. Government RightsThe Software is “commercialcomputer software,” as defined byFederal Acquisition Regulation(“FAR”) 2.101. Pursuant to FAR12.212 and 27.405-3 andDepartment of Defense FARSupplement (“DFARS”) 227.7202, theU.S. government acquirescommercial computer softwareunder the same terms by which thesoftware is customarily provided tothe public. Accordingly, Keysightprovides the Software to U.S.government customers under itsstandard commercial license, whichis embodied in its End User LicenseAgreement (EULA), a copy of whichcan be found at The license set forth in the EULArepresents the exclusive authority bywhich the U.S. government may use,modify, distribute, or disclose theSoftware. The EULA and the licenseset forth therein, does not require orpermit, among other things, thatKeysight: (1) Furnish technicalinformation related to commercialcomputer software or commercialcomputer software documentationthat is not customarily provided tothe public; or (2) Relinquish to, orotherwise provide, the governmentrights in excess of these rightscustomarily provided to the public touse, modify, reproduce, release,perform, display, or disclosecommercial computer software orcommercial computer softwaredocumentation. No additionalgovernment requirements beyondthose set forth in the EULA shallapply, except to the extent that thoseterms, rights, or licenses areexplicitly required from all providersof commercial computer softwarepursuant to the FAR and the DFARSand are set forth specifically inwriting elsewhere in the EULA.Keysight shall be under no obligationto update, revise or otherwise modifythe Software. With respect to anytechnical data as defined by FAR2.101, pursuant to FAR 12.211 and27.404.2 and DFARS 227.7102, theU.S. government acquires no greaterthan Limited Rights as defined in FAR27.401 or DFAR 227.7103-5 (c), asapplicable in any technical data.Safety NoticesA CAUTION notice denotes a hazard.It calls attention to an operatingprocedure, practice, or the like that,if not correctly performed or adheredto, could result in damage to theproduct or loss of important data. Donot proceed beyond a CAUTIONnotice until the indicated conditionsare fully understood and met.A WARNING notice denotes ahazard. It calls attention to anoperating procedure, practice, or thelike that, if not correctly performed oradhered to, could result in personalinjury or death. Do not proceedbeyond a WARNING notice until theindicated conditions are fullyunderstood and met.