106 Keysig ht N9923-90001 User’s GuideCalibration for NA, CAT, and VVM ModesQuickCal (Option 112)QuickCal is ideal for a quick and simple calibration of the measurement whenusing a jumper cable or adapter to connect the DUT to the FieldFox test ports.QuickCal corrects for phase shift, time delay, and loss of adapters or jumpercables.QuickCal does not require a specific Cal Kit and is a very simple calibration. Ifthe highest accuracy is required, a mechanical calibration with a high qualitycalibration kit is recommended.QuickCal is designed and most accurate when calibrating for DUTs fitted withType-N and 7/16 connectors.If the DUT has different connectors, such as 3.5 mm (male) or SMA maleconnectors, QuickCal can still be used by selecting 'Other' connector.However, the accuracy of QuickCal with ‘Other’ connectors is not specified.If the DUT has 3.5 mm-female or SMA-female connectors, QuickCal is NOTrecommended. For accurate and repeatable measurements of devices withfemale 3.5 mm or SMA connectors, use mechanical calibration.Important QuickCal Notes— 7/16 connectors can be used with QuickCal ONLY up to 6 GHz.— Type-N 75 Ohm can be used with QuickCal ONLY up to 3 GHz.— QuickCal cannot be used with waveguides , or if the test fixture or test setup(before DUT) includes an attenuator.How to perform a QuickCal— In CAT, NA, or VVM Mode, press Cal 5— Then QuickCal—Press Change DUT Connectors to select the correct connector typesthat are on your DUT. Although there is no Cal Kit required, selectingthe connector type (limited to Type -N and 7/16) and gender from thelist provides an accurate OPEN model which means a more accuratecalibration. If the DUT connector type is not listed, selectUnknown/Other.Source Unleveled errors - During calibration, the frequency range of themeasurement MAY be extended to provide maximum flexibility. During thecalibration, the output power may become unleveled at the added highfrequencies. You can ignore the “Source Unleveled” error, or to avoid theerror, select either High power or -15 dBm before calibrating. Learn moreabout setting Output Power in “Output Power” on page 83