112 Keysig ht N9923-90001 User’s GuideCalibration for NA, CAT, and VVM Modes—OFF If power to the ECal module is too low, it cannot detect whichFieldFox ports it is connected to. If you are having this problem,select OFF. Then during the calibration, the FieldFox will prompt youto connect the ECal module ports to specific FieldFox ports.— Optionallypress Advanced then Simple ECal.—ON (default) The FieldFox assumes that both ports of the ECal modulecan be connected at both calibration reference planes. You thereforereceive a single prompt to connect the ECal module to both ports.—OFF Select when physical restrictions prohibit the ECal module frombeing connected to both calibration reference planes simultaneously.You will receive separate prompts to connect the ECal module to Port1, then to connect the ECal to Port 2.— Press Start Calibration. When prompted, verify the ECal moduleconnection, then press Measure. The standards within the ECal module areautomatically connected and measured.Simple Response CalsSimple Response Cals are used to quickly calibrate the magnitude and phaseof a measurement using any Open, Short, or Thru component. These may becalibration standards, but because a Cal Kit is not selected, they are notmodeled. Measurement accuracy is generally low. Use a Simple Response Calto make quick measurements when using a jumper cable to connect the DUTto the FieldFox. Otherwise, CalReady is usually more accurate.When prompted, choose a standard based on the displayed measurements tobe calibrated. For example, to calibrate S11, connect either an OPEN orSHORT to the port 1 reference plane.When Simple Response Cals are performed, the source match and reflectiontracking terms from CalReady are update d by the measured Short or Open thatis used during the calibration.1-port response cals are also available from the Mechanical Cal menu. Learnmore in “Calibration Type” on page 114.When prompted: “Connect port 1 to port 2", then you can connect themhowever you choose, including using the internal ECal THRU. This is an‘Unknown THRU’.When prompted: “Connect port 1 d irectly to port 2", thenyou must connect the ports directly together at the calibration referenceplane with no adapter or other cabling. This is a ‘Flush THRU’. Learn morein “Calibration Type” on page 114.You can perform a Simple Response Cal for either: S11, or S22, or S21 ANDS12.