5 - PROCEDURES83190-00356-00 Rev BBasic Approach OperationsBasic Approach OperationsThe 400W series provides precision vertical guid-ance and non-precision advisory guidance using itsbuilt in GPS receiver. The moving map pages can alsobe used as a supplemental aid to situational awarenessfor ILS, VOR, and NDB approaches (and non-preci-sion localizer-based approaches), but the appropriatenavigational aid MUST be used for primary approachcourse guidance.Approaches designed specifically for GPS are oftenvery simple and don’t require overflying a VOR orNDB. Currently, many non-precision approaches have“GPS overlays” to let you fly an existing procedure(VOR, VOR/DME, NDB, RNAV, etc.) more accuratelyusing GPS. To date, there are over 2,400 GPS-onlyapproaches and over 2,900 GPS overlay approachesworldwide.Many overlay approaches are more complex (incomparison to GPS-only approaches). The 400W-series unit displays and guides you through each legof the approach — automatically sequencing througheach of these legs, up to the missed approach point(MAP). Approaches may be flown “as published” withthe full transition — using any published feeder routeor initial approach fix (IAF) — or may be flown with avectors-to-final transition.Flight mode annunciations are provided in thelower left corner of the display indicating the currentmode of flight.Annunciation DescriptionLPV Lateral Precson wth Vertcal gudance(LPV) approach. Fly to LPV mnmums. Ayellow background ndcates that the ap-proach s safe to contnue but a downgradeto LNAV may occur.L/VNAV Lateral Navgaton and Vertcal Navgaton(LNAV/VNAV) approach. Fly to LNAV/VNAVmnmums.LNAV+V Lateral Navgaton (LNAV) approach wthAdvsory Vertcal gudance. Fly to LNAVmnmums.LNAV Lateral Navgaton approach. Fly to LNAVmnmums.MAPR Mssed Approach, ndcates the system sprovdng mssed approach ntegrty andCDI full-scale deflecton ±0.3 NM. Ths alsoshows that the plot has ntated a MssedApproach by pressng the OBS key aftercrossng the MAP.ENR En route, CDI full-scale deflecton s 2.0 NMor current CDI scale selecton, whchever ssmaller.TERM Termnal, CDI full-scale deflecton s 1.0 NMor current CDI scale selecton, whchever ssmaller.DPRT Departure, ndcates the system s usngnon-precson approach ntegrty. HAL = 0.3and CDI full-scale deflecton s 0.3 NM.OCN Oceanc, CDI full-scale deflecton s 2.0 NM.LOW ALT(lower wndow)For LNAV+V, LNAV/VNAV, or LPV approach-es, the LOW ALT annuncaton ndcates thearcraft’s estmated heght s lower than theFnal Approach Waypont heght by morethan the current VPL plus 50 meters. Thsannuncaton wll not be actve when TAWSs operatng on unts equpped wth TAWS.