8TAKEOFF TOUR190-00356-00 Rev BAcquiring Satellites/MessagesIf the 400W-series unit has not been operated for aperiod of six months or more, it may have to “Searchthe Sky” to collect new data. This means the unit isacquiring satellite data to establish almanac and satel-lite orbit information, which can take 5 to 10 minutes.The Satellite Status Page displays a “Searching Sky”status, and the message annunciator (MSG) above theMSG key also flashes to alert you of a system message,“Searching the Sky”.The Time and other data may not be displayeduntil the unit has acquired enough satellites for a fix.To view a system message, press the MSG key.Message PageThe message page will appear and display the statusor warning information applicable to the receiver’s cur-rent operating condition.To return to the previous page after viewing amessage, press the MSG key again.The satellite status page shows the ID num-bers for the satellites and the relative signalstrength of each satellite received (as a “bargraph” reading.“Searching Sky” indicates that satellite almanacdata is not available. The data is recollected from thefirst available satellite.“Acquiring” indicates that satellites have beenlocated and information is being acquired, but thereceiver does not have enough satellites for a 3-dimen-sional position.“3D NAV” indicates that a 3-dimensional positionis available.“3D DIFF NAV” indicates when a 3-dimensionalposition is available and differential corrections arebeing used.The “INTEG” annunciator (bottom left corner ofthe screen) indicates that satellite coverage is insuffi-cient to pass built-in integrity monitoring tests.Acquiring Satellites / Messages