6 - WPT PAGES127190-00356-00 Rev BUser WaypointsUser Waypoint PageIn addition to the airport, VOR, NDB and intersec-tion information contained in your Jeppesen NavData®card, the 400W-series units allow you to store up to1,000 user-defined waypoints. The user waypointpage displays the waypoint name (up to five charac-ters long), identifier and radial from two referencewaypoints, distance from one reference waypoint, alongwith the user waypoint’s latitude/longitude position.ReferenceWaypointInformationUser WaypointNameTenth Pagein WPT groupLatitude/LongitudePositionCreate/ModifyAction FieldThe following descriptions and abbreviationsappear on the user waypoint page:• REF WPT— Reference waypoint identifier(name)• RAD— Radial from reference waypoint, indegrees magnetic or degrees true(depending upon unit configuration)• DIS— Distance from reference waypoint, innautical miles/statute miles/kilome-ters (depending upon unit configura-tion)• Position— Latitude/Longitude (degrees/minutesor degrees/minutes/seconds), MGRSor UTM/UPSUser waypoints may only be selected by name (iden-tifier), as described in the beginning of Section 6.Creating User WaypointsUser waypoints may be created from the userwaypoint page or the map page. To create a new userwaypoint, simply enter its name (identifier) andposition, or reference another waypoint by radial anddistance.To create a new user waypoint by entering itslatitude/longitude position:1. Wth the user waypont page dsplayed, pressthe small right knob to actvate the cursor.2. Use the small and large right knobs to entera name for the new waypont and press ENT.Your present poston appears n the postonfield at the bottom of the page. To create awaypont at your present poston, turn thelarge right knob to hghlght “Create?” andskp to step #6.3. Turn the large right knob to hghlght theposton field at the bottom of the page.4. Use the small and large right knobs toenter the poston coordnates for the newwaypont.