3 - DIRECT-TO65190-00356-00 Rev BCancelling Direct-To NavigationOnce a direct-to is activated, the 400W-series willprovide navigation guidance to the selected destinationuntil the direct-to is replaced with a new direct-to orflight plan, cancelled, or the unit is turned off.To cancel a direct-to:1. Press the direct-to key to dsplay the selectdrect-to waypont page.2. Press MENU to dsplay the drect-to optonsmenu.3. Wth “Cancel Drect-To NAV?” hghlghted,press ENT. If a flght plan s stll actve, the400W-seres wll resume navgatng the flghtplan along the closest leg.Specifying a Course to a WaypointWhenever you perform a direct-to, the 400W-series will set a direct geodesic course to your selecteddestination. You can also manually define the course toyour destination, using the “CRS” course field on theselect direct-to waypoint page.To manually define the direct-to course:1. Press the direct-to key.2. Use the small and large right knobs to selectthe destnaton waypont.3. Press ENT to confirm the selected waypont,then turn the large right knob to hghlghtthe course (“CRS”) field.4. Turn the small and large right knobs to selectthe desred course and press ENT.5. Press ENT agan to begn navgaton usng theselected destnaton and course.6. To reselect a drect course from present pos-ton (or select a new manually-defined course),smply press direct-to, followed by ENTtwce.Cancelling / Manual Course